Stevens 1886-07-16

Sent a brief memoir of the late Canon Payne to the Guardian.
Visited Richard Austin of Sibford Ferris who is suffering from dropsy. he is a curious man – very fond of his own opinions on every subject. He has never been to church since I have been here, though I have spoken several times about his duty in this respect. He says he was baptized at Great Bourton. He sometimes goes to the Friends’ meeting House but does not like it to be insinuated that he is a Quaker, a sect for which he appears to not have a great amount of respect. I fancy he has quarreled with some of them which tinges his views. He says my church is too noisy – and there is too much formality.
Drove Bell and Lottie to Brailes with some Four-shire Books. Saw Mr Smith who told me of John Cooper’s serious illness at Burlington. He is a Solicitor (son in law of Mr S.) and was agent to the Conservative Candidate. He worked very hard; had haemorrage of the lung, was unable to vote, and the Radical Candidate got in by a majority of one.