Stevens 1879-04-15
Easter Tuesday.
Administered Holy Communion to Ann Bond and her daughter Emma Tarver. I told the old woman that she must pray to God to give her patience and make her fit for heaven. “I do sir,” she replied, “and I shall pray more than ever now.”
Administered Holy Communion to Mrs John Harris, Mary Ann Harris and Dinah Coleman.
Went to Banbury, where I heard of the death of a man named Kirby who had been living in Sibford Ferris for some time working at hurdle making, earning a great deal of money and spending it all, mostly on drink. He lodged for a long time at Widow Reason’s, but left Sibford last Michaelmas owing her several weeks rent and money to the Baker, Butcher and others.
A tea meeting of members of the Sibford Lending Library was held in the School-room this evening. I was present and about 70 or 80 others.