Stevens 1878-01-26

Richard Austin of Sibford Ferris called for Land Tax for Allotments in that parish.
I had a long conversation with him about the “Sibford Ferris” Award, which is lost, about the boundaries of Sibford Ferris which he says run down to Mr. Hitchcox’s farm – and about the encroachment at the north end of Hook Norton Road. These encroachments which narrow the road to 18 feet instead of 30 make that part of the road very dangerous and were made some 60 or 70 years ago because rough fellows used to congregate there on Sundays playing marbles etc. The pieces of land forming the Encroachment are in the possession of Richard Lamb, Isaac Padbury and James Lines. Austin tells me that Richard Lamb offered James Lines 6d. per yard for his. I told Austin I hoped the Sibford Ferris people would soon improve matters in that quarter.