Stevens 1877-08-03

A close up of text on a white background


  • Mr Routh surgeon
  • John Buckingham who is ill with pleurisy, 3/-.
  • Also Widow Hillman, wine.
  • John Padbury, 1/-
  • Richard Scruby, wine.

Mrs Liddiat (wife of a clerk to Mr Aplin, solicitor of Banbury) who has been afflicted with religious mania for past 18 months and during 2 or 3 has been staying with Mrs Elley at school house as patient of Mr Routh’s called this evening. I had a long talk with her. She is going home to her husband and family tomorrow.

Brailes Flower Show and Bazaar.

Harry came home July 30 accompanied by Mr Bradshaw, organist, of Chippenham.

Misses Geneva and Annie Martin came on visit July 31st.