(December 2023) Neighbourhood Watch

Just a gentle pre-Christmas reminder of the most popular scam phone calls.

  1. Unpaid bill scam. You receive a call from a ‘BT (EE) engineer’ saying that you owe them money and that they are going to cut off your phone. The call usually comes out of office hours you are asked for credit card details etc.
  2. Investment scam. This one takes time as they are happy to chat about your investments ( stocks and shares details are available on a public share register). Then one evening they will ring you with ‘an exceptionally exciting opportunity – but you have to act fast and make an immediate decision’.
  3. Computer Virus. You are contacted by one of the big organisations – perhaps claiming to be Microsoft, advising you that they have detected a virus on your machine. ‘Are you sitting at your machine? …all you need to do is down load some free software and all will be well.’
  4. Lottery/competition. You’ve won! (even without taking part), but there is an administration fee which needs to be paid before your prize can be claimed.
  5. Courier scam. Caller says they are from your bank and someone has been fraudulently using your card. They ask you to hang up and dial another number. They will send a Taxi/courier to collect your card.

If it feels wrong, it probably is. Keep calm and just hang up.

Have a safe Christmas
Peter Hine. Neighbourhood Watch – Gower and Burdrop