(December 2023) Primary School: Nature

We are planning to run some poetry workshops for the children in school, partly inspired by their love of poetry and story. Dylan wrote the beautiful poem below in response to a lesson stimulus where the children went outside into our glorious grounds to immerse themselves in nature.


by Dylan Mannix

Luscious. The wind breathes
on me as a storm thickens in the air.
The heavy atmosphere
has a calming touch on my skin.

The birds singing, children laughing,
joy is all around. I know it won’t last
as we take shelter under a fir tree.
The smell of wet grass. Humid.
I am not going to lie, I prefer indoors,
but today felt different.

I have a quick daydream, as always,
I don’t know why. Beautiful breeze.
Thunder and lightning. Buttercups,
grass, flowers, daisies, grey clouds.