(June 2023) Street Party Success

A HUGE thankyou to the wonderful people who gave their time and energy to organise yesterday’s street party. A spectacular success, and the committee member in charge of the weather deserves a special mention. Champagne corks popping, sunshine, egg sandwiches, sausage plaits, chickpea meringues, (yes! Delicious!) , too much coronation chicken, , crowns, bunting, table flowers arranged when most of us were still in bed, and on and on. Huge thanks to every single one of you, from those of us who had a wonderful time. These occasions when the village gets together to celebrate are one of the things that makes living in the Sibfords so special. 

In addition to this, we’d also like to say a huge heartfelt thanks to Nicky and Chris and all the organisers/helpers/party goers at the Sibford Music Night, the generosity of everyone was outstanding, we’re very lucky to be part of such a supportive, lively and fabulous village

Holly Jones