(February 2003) W.I. Meeting

January 14th, 2003

Greta welcomed us and told us about some forthcoming important dates, which got us scrabbling for our diaries. Firstly, our A.G.M. on March 11th. This will also be our annual ‘Bring and Buy’, so all those Christmas gifts you didn’t want (sh!!) please come and unload them.

The next West Oxfordshire Federation meeting is at Oxford Town Hall on 3rd April. Speakers are usually first class and it is hoped more of us will go along this time.

Other dates were for the summer, so more about them later.

Our speaker, Mr. B. Hadley, arrived in good time to setup his complicated and very heavy equipment. This was to show a selection of slides: “Plants and Birds”, in stereo. He brought appropriate spectacles to get the 3D effect, and so we watched, enthralled at the beautiful photographs. Pat Whitehouse, the photographer, died fifteen years ago. She was world famous in the use of stereo and had bequeathed her huge collection to the stereo society of which Mr. Hadley is a member. He told us how lucky we were to see them and we couldn’t have agreed more!

Rosalind thanked him and did a bit of touting for the Horticultural Society but, sadly, Mr. Hadley is retiring.

Maureen and Gaynor served our welcome tea. Our speaker judged the cake competition: 1st: Maureen; 2nd: Glennis; 3rd: Lynda. However, he chose to take Greta’s cake home, speculating that it would be unlikely to get that far!

Next meeting: February 11th.
Mrs June Partridge will speak on “Alaska”.
Competition: Handmade Warm Hat.
New Members are Welcome.