(July 1994) 2000 balloons help to raise £735 for Sibford church
Members of Holy Trinity Church were blessed with a perfect afternoon for their garden party at The Red House at Burdrop. The theme was Balloons which added greatly to the colour with nearly 2000 generously contributed by Mrs Vera Jones, Mr David Bennett, Boots the Chemists, Halifax Building Society, B & Q and Guide Dogs for the Blind, even if the destruction of them when the party was over was reminiscent of “D” day. Contributions also came from S H Jones & Co Ltd Wine Merchants and J & M Humphris Funeral Directors. The hamper, a model of a hot air balloon basket suspended from its magnificent balloon made by Mr Ian Warden (who also made all the signs) provided a banquet for the winner and prizes were also won for the number of balloons in a mini, for the Balloon Shy and Balloon Throwing contests and for the best of a talented entry of paintings of balloons, judged by Mr & Hrs Pearlman who also judged the faces painted on balloons. A very realistic Sweeny Todd conducted a balloon shaving competition and the younger generation were able to let off steam bursting balloons. Delicious teas were organised by Mrs Gill Soden. It is impossible to mention everyone who helped with such hard work and enthusiasm but a big thank you to them all and to all those who could not attend but sent donations. A grand total of £735 was collected for the church.