(June 1991) Sibford Ferris Annual Parish Meeting
There was a very disappointing attendance at the recent Annual Parish Meeting — perhaps an indication that a wider advertising of the event is required.
The Chairman’s report included the following items —
Street Lighting — Tenders have been received and accepted from MEB for 4 light columns (to include the additional light required in Cotswold Close) to the sum of £3,242 of which we should be able to recupe approximately £2,100 from the District Council by way of a grant.
Tysoe Fire Brigade – A proposal from Warwickshire CC to close the Tysoe Fire Station had been noted and the Parish Council wrote an objection to such a closure as Tysoe give us good cover should Hook Norton not be available. We do not yet know of the final decision.
Planning — The major planning approved in the past year was Tanners Coach Yard where outline permission was given to develop this site for housing. No details as to number or size of houses has yet been applied for.
Grants – We get many requests for grants from various bodes. Some are of obvious benefit to parishioners eg Sibford Scene, Play Area and Chipping Norton Theatre. Others having a more tenuous connection make our decision more difficult eg. Citizens Advice Bureau, Warriner School, Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association. We would like to know if anyone has any views on the way we make grants — should they be extended, are we giving too many or are you happy with what we are doing at the moment?
Parish Precept – Cllr. Clipson giving the Financial Report said that the Precept requirement for 1991-92 had been set at $1236 and pointed out that this figure placed the Parish at the lower end on the scale of charges for the district.