(May 1991) The Sibberts Drama Group
The Sibberts is alive and well but the average age of the actors is now nearer 14 than 40!
We will be putting on a play in the Oliver Studio at the Friends School on Tuesday 7th May starting at 8.00pm. Tickets will be available from members of the cast and at the door.
Our play, entitled “One Cool Cat” tells the story of a lion who is taken into captivity. The action takes us through the jungles and plains of Africa and into the sawdust ring of a Midlands circus. This allegorical tale challenges many of the assumptions of modern life in a very entertaining and humorous way.
The cast includes children from the village and from the school as well as one or two more “mature” Thespians.
Our thanks go to our producer Chris Bateman for giving up so much of his time and for inspiring us all to put on a very interesting and unusual play.
David Moir