(June 1989) How to murder your magazine
Are we guilty of murdering our magazine?
On Saturday 15th April I set out, charged by the Editor, to find out the answer to this question.
The opportunity for discovery lay in a one day conference organised by the Oxfordshire Rural Communities Council at Wheatley Park School which brought together representatives from various local magazines in the county.
Ten possible means of murder are:
Do we:-
- Make the cover dull?
- Avoid all visuals?
- Avoid colour?
- Use cheap paper?
- Fill the whole page with type?
- Use old equipment?
- Ensure poor print quality?
- Keep the print size small?
- Avoid straight lines?
- Never proof the finished material?
As the day progressed I began to see that there must be some ways in which we could improve our magazine.
What do you think? Its your local magazine.
Please let us know now we could improve the magazine.
The above headings might give you ideas.
Send your ideas, in writing, to the Editor or pop them in the Post Office by 20th June, please.