(March 1989) Main points discussed at the Parish Council Meeting held on 27th January 1989
The signing of the local footpaths and bridleways has been successfully completed with one minor exception which has been raised with the District Council.
The District Council will be contacted regarding the possibility of providing bollards or some such protection to grass verges especially those adjacent to the telephone kiosk in Main Street.
The Council discussed various parking problems and wish to make a general plea for responsible parking within the village. The Council request that vehicles are not parked at dangerous junctions or on narrow lanes. A particular concern is that due to parked vehicles the Emergency Services may be prevented from attending a fire, sick person etc.
Mr John Parmiter has been co-opted onto the Council following the death last year of Mr. L. W. Poulton.
Various details of communication systems for the elderly and details of the O.C.C. Cold Watch Scheme were discussed and details and leaflets are available from the surgery.
A leader for any guided walk of special interest had been requested by C.D.C. so anyone interested should contact the Parish Council for details.
The annual clean up litter campaign will be from 22nd to 30th April.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 21st April in the Primary School Hall at 7.30p.m.
Clerk of Sibford Gower Parish Council