(June 1987) Proposed Conservation Area for Sibford Gower
As the Chairman of the Parish Council announced recently in his report to the Annual Parish Meeting, the Council has decided that it would be desirable to apply for the establishment of a Conservation Area for Sibford Gower.
Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 a Conservation Area must be “an area of architectural or historic interest the appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. The Chief Planning Officer of Cherwell District Council has prepared a plan of an area which he could support as a conservation area which includes the old core of the village and the valley between Gower and Ferris.
The Parish Council has not yet discussed the Planning Officer’s suggestions, but meanwhile would welcome views and comments from residents of Sibford Gower and Burdrop. A copy of the map is on the Parish Notice Board and Council members have copies, as has the Clerk, Colonel Frith. They will be happy to show them to anyone interested (by appointment).
When the Council has considered the proposal they will call an open meeting in order to establish whether it has support from a majority of the residents before making a formal application to the District Council.