(July 1985) The Friends

It was interesting to read the account of the Quaker Meeting House by Rebecca Key in last month’s Sibford Scene, with its list of “don’ts”.

Here is a list of “do’s”.

Quakers do work for reconciliation.
They do try to follow the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
They do aim to build communities of peace and friendship in every part of the world.

The Meeting House, which was enlarged in 1864 to accommodate the Friends School, has light, simplicity and space. The seats are arranged to focus on the centre because all members have an equal responsibility for the Meeting and its duties.

Worship is based on silence but anyone present may speak or give a reading if, in this gathered silence, the impulse comes to them and they feel it would help the Meeting.

Visitors are always very welcome.

A Group of Quakers.