(May 1985) Scout Job Week

Once again Easter week has seen the Village alive with young boys in familiar green jerseys and caps, every one of them eager to earn money for Cub Scout funds.

Our thanks are due to all who were able to find jobs for the Cubs to do. In all, the boys completed more than 400 tasks raising a considerable amount of money for funds (the final amount has yet to be calculated). This year 15 boys spent an hour and a half at the Castle Centre in Banbury, cleaning shoes and this helped to swell the coffers by an additional £19.00.

Scout job Week is the one event during the year when the boys can actually raise funds for themselves. It gives the experience of meeting and dealing with people, and also the responsibility of organising a task and carrying it out to the satisfaction of the customer…all part of Cub Scout training.

Keith Hicks
1st the Sibfords.