(January 1979) The Loggins
The Reverend John Loggin of Swalcliffe, natus 1660, Rector of Marston Sicca, who died 1731, aet. 71 (A.M.M. E.Col.Nov. Oxon.)
By his will did bequeathe unto the Poor in Charitable Uses for to be laid out and distributed in Bread on Sundays for such as Come to Church, Setting out of Apprentices, Combing the Indigent and otherwise as to my Executors shall seem meet the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds: for the poor of Swalcliffe, Sibfords, Burdrope, Clifford Chambers, Quinto and Longmarston that the money may be distributed yearly.
Thus runs the tablet just inside the door of Sibford Church, in the Baptistery. The family of Loggin was long connected with this neighbourhood. The great-grandfather of the Rev. John was Robert Loggin of Little Tew (1524). William, his grandfather and John, his grandson and great-grandson were Rectors of Marston Sicca after him. He was connected by marriage with the family of Wykeham and among the descendants of his family was the Rev. Robert Loggin, Chancellor of Sarum (Salisbury) and Vicar of Adderbury 1665.
In 1889 the Charity was placed under the Charity Commissioners. The records are in possession of the Trustees.
Each year the Trustees meet and allocate the funds which to this day accrue from the wisdom of our forebears. The custom in the Sibfords is for a gift of money to be distributed at around Christmas time; this year 36 homes have received a small amount of money in time for the festive season.
See also The Reverend John Loggin’s Charity