(July 2024) Friendship Club – the history

Sibford Friendship Club was started in the 1970s – 1980s and was run by a Mrs Flynn. She lived in the Ferris. The club met, as now, on the 1st or 3rd Tuesday in the month Its aim was to bring together all the villagers who were over 60. Specifically:

  1. To develop a sense of communal responsibility: To provide help in case of sickness or hospitalisation by providing transport to visit, help with shopping etc. The club also advises on subjects such as action in retirement, finance and budgeting and disabled assistance. So offering comfort and support in any way needed and financial assistance if necessary.
  2. To organise talks, entertainment and events as required by the majority of members.
  3. To raise money for the efficient running of the Club.

They met in the village hall, but it seems the hall was cold, so for a while they met in LISTER common room at the Sibford Friends School. Sometime during 1984-1985 they came back to the village hall.

There was a connection with Age Concern but due to a “dispute” the club went on alone, with an elected committee to run it. This continues today. Nowadays members come from all over Banbury, Epwell, Brailes and Tysoe. Anyone over 50 can join the club.

Evie Boughton