Quaker Week


Quaker Week runs from September 24th – October 1st. There are two events in Sibford at the Meeting House. Join Sibford School’s Evening of Reflection on Thursday September 28th. You are also invited to come and find out more about Quaker worship by joining us for Meeting for Worship at 10.30 am on World Quaker Day, Sunday October 1st.

World Quaker Day celebrates the diversity of Quakerism around the world, with the aim to build connections to make our community stronger.

Quaker Week runs every year to help Quaker Meetings attract new people and share their faith. The theme this year is Simple, Radical Spiritual. Everyone is welcome.

For more information , visit www.banburyeveshamquakers.org.uk or email sibford@banburyeveshamquakers.org.uk