(May 2010) The Sibfords new website
thesibfords.org.uk – launched 10 May 2010
A major spin off from the DOMESDAY project has been the development of a new village web site. The Sibfords Society felt that the information gained from the Domesday project would need a wider audience than the data base stored on the Society’s computer.
The opportunity has been taken to provide a source of wider information than that gathered in the survey. This includes:
- a section devoted to the Domesday project and the findings
- a village diary has been developed in which it is hoped to include all village events
- a special section set up to show all Village Hall bookings
- groups that completed the Domesday Organisations survey will be offered their own page with access and information controlled by themselves or a link to their own web site
- a Sibipedia section based on Wikipedia in which we hope that villagers and ex-villagers will add information b about past village life
- a map which shows where events take place and organisations meet.
As time goes on we hope to develop the site with input from villagers and reports of local events in the community. Log on to thesibfords.org.uk and keep up to date with life in this small part of rural England.