(September 1991) Sibford Ferris Parish Council
Amongst the items discussed at the recent meeting of the Council the following may be of interest.
- A booklet containing a lot of useful information on ‘Caring for an Elderly Person’ has been received. The Clerk would be glad to loan it to anyone interested.
- Details of the Midland Red South Revised Service No.480 – Sibford to Banbury are now available at the Post Office. A copy has also been displayed on the noticeboard.
- The Village Signs recently stolen have now been replaced by Oxfordshire C.C. The new signs have no scrap value so hopefully they will remain in place for the foreseeable future!
- The work on the additional street lighting is now complete which means that the speed restriction through the village should shortly become operational.
- The Council have been asked to support the Village Hall Committee financially and have decided to make provision for an annual grant in the next parish precept.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 11th September at 8pm in the Library of The Friends School. All are very welcome to attend.