Stevens 1886-12-10
Met York Powell who asked me to dine with him at Christ Church this evening, but I declined, having appointed to meet Harry at 6 to dinner at our lodgings. I however promised to call on him at his rooms in “Canterbury” at 8pm, which I did, and enjoyed an hour or two talking of old times. he is editing a work on Icelandic Literature with VigFusson an Icelander, and other smaller works, for schools, “Pot boilers” we agreed to call them. He tells me he is also one of the delegates of the Clarendon Press, and Sub Editor (or Editor?) of the Historical Review.
Harry and I spent this afternoon in the Museum, the new Laboratory, Keble College Chapel Street.
There was a fall of snow this morning ; but it soon disappeared except on the shady sides of the College Quads.