Stevens 1886-10-08
I was busy all this afternoon sending out copies of the Analytical Classical Series as presents to the Libraries of various Schoolmasters’ Associations. There were about 3 dozen which had been in the house a long time having been returned from John Heywood’s of Manchester. I sent them only to associations having over 100 members.
Strawberries on bloom in my garden.
Rev Mr Whitehead of South Newington called this afternoon with one of his sons. The latter told me of daughter of Archdeacon Burney of St Mark’s Surbiton whose daughter had been laid up for 14 years, but had rapidly recovered the use of her limbs after treatment by Sir Lionel Playfair.
Mr Whitehead is resigning his Benefice of South Newington and going to Shustoke ? Warwickshire where he was brought up and where, I am told, his brother is squire of the place.