Sibfords History Society – Mary, Queen of Scots
A talk by Dr Gillian White. Mary, Queen of Scots, became monarch at six days old and by the age of twenty-five had lost three kingdoms, three husbands and would never see her only child again. Whether she is to be seen as a murdering adulteress or the innocent victim of all that befalls her, Mary’s life is undoubtedly wrapped in tragedy. This talk explores her remarkable story and looks at the causes of the failure that led to her execution.
Because of social-distancing measures, attendance in the Village Hall is restricted to a maximum of 25 people. Book your place with Diana Hughes on 780 506 or dianahughesonline
Doors open 7.45.p.m. Any donations gladly accepted as we are not charging for membership this year. We will not be allowed to serve refreshments so please bring your own drinks.
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