Horti meeting – Garden Hunting in China


A talk by Timothy Walker, via Zoom. For those unwilling or unable to join the talk from the
privacy of their own homes, we will be able to accommodate up to 25 people safely in the village hall to watch Timothy on the big screen (his natural metier, surely). If you wish to view from the hall, then please book a seat via Diana Thompson ( diana_thompson@btinternet.com ) in good time, to avoid disappointment.

The simplest way to join the Zoom meeting is to click this link: https://hertfordcollege.zoom.us/j/96317934839?pwd=S2lFaDlQT3l1SllWc0hxbTdEMVVXUT09 . If you have not used Zoom before you will then be asked to give permission to download and install the Zoom app. You may also be asked to create a Zoom account, but you don’t need to do that to attend this meeting.

If you have used Zoom before you may alternatively join the meeting by starting your Zoom app and entering the Meeting ID 963 1793 4839 and Passcode 708427. There is no need to “Sign in”.

As a last resort, you may hear the meeting on any telephone by dialling one of these numbers: 0203 481 5237, 0203 901 7895, 0131 460 1196. You will be asked to enter the above Meeting ID and Passcode via the telephone key pad. Be aware that you will be paying for the call, and even “free” call plans may charge you for a long call.