Stevens 1879-10-24

Visited Mrs Hiorns who is better but I did not see her. Mrs Shelswell. Mrs Pearce is better but I did not see her. Ann Fox who has Sally Green to be with her at nights and a part of the day. Ann seems to get worse as regards her speech – she took me upstairs and pointed to a small oaken chest of drawers in one of the bedrooms and opened one or two drawers taking out an account recently sent her by Dr Routh for attendance etc amounting to £4 odd. I presume she meant that she wanted to sell the chest of drawers to pay the account – but am not sure.
Visited Widow Harris at Burdrop –
Widow Wilkes who has come to live with her son in cottage in Bonds End Lane formerly occupied by late Mr Sims.
Visited Richard Harris. Met Mr Enoch who told me he purposed speaking to Bonner the relieving officer and asking him to remove Mary Weaver to the workhouse. She is a tenant of his and he finds her and her cottage in a filthy state – and she is becoming or pretending to be imbecile.
I told him I had spoken to both Mary Weaver and Bonner on the subject some weeks ago. The guardians don’t want to increase their expenses by taking those who are already paupers, as she has been for many years, into the house, while they offer the “test” of the house to those who wish to throw themselves on the rates.
Visited Mrs Bond.
Dr and Mrs Routh and Marion Shelswell came to spend the evening.
Harry Shelswell brought his work to me this morning.