Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1894, June 21, Thursday   a

Bright and warm. Visited School. Called Registers and taught. Sent cheque £1.7. to Cheney & Son printers to pay sum due £1.5. Costs 2/-. Drove Kitty and Miss Sottick round White-house, Epwell and “Pig & Whistle”.

Cutting from Banbury Advertiser of 21 June 1894



Sir,—A reply to your three correspondents of May 31st was not required, as my letter had elicited from them that the Reading Room and the new departure had no connection with each other. A fourth correspondent appears in your last issue, and trots himself out as the representative of a thankful village. I would ask him to kindly say from where he obtained his mandate. I have good reasons to know that those who think with him are limited to a small circle. Many in these villages are quie ready to recognise Mr Dixon’s great kindness and public spirit for the benfit of the inhabitants, but cannot go with him in the opening of a room on Sundays, during most of the day, for the purpose (if the secretary of the Reading Room’s iseas are correct) of newspaper reading and gossip ; smoking also allowed. I, with many of your readers, consider it is contra bonos mores. Let me suggest it be closed during the hours of divine service. Thanking you for insertion,

I am, yours truly,

[The above was received too late for insertion last week.]

1894, June 22, Friday 

Cloudy but mild. Visited Mr Woolgrove, Widow Reason, R H Lamb, Henry Tarver, Widow Hathaway. Long. Spoke wth Mr R H Lamb about the proposed technical lectures of the Oxfordshire County Council, and with Mr Woolgrove about painting the church gate etc, of which he approved. Took Kitty and Miss Sottick for a walk after supper nearly into Epwell village.

At 2.30 this afternoon, I buried Widow Hannah Bishop of Sibford Gower, aged 82. She formerly kept the “Wykham Arms” Inn.

1894, June 24, Sunday

5th Trinity. St John Baptist day. Miss Sottick’s Birthday. I have a cold on the chest and am very hoarse. Mrs Fred Milburn and Marion Shelswell were at church. Their mother is somewhat better.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.