Stevens 1895-03-02
Bright. Some more snow. Charles Holtham called for me to sign his pension paper. He gets nearly 10/- a week pension and probably earns 15/- more. Joseph Green Senior called and brought estimate for paving in the School house garden paths, also bill of 6/- for repairing floor of girls’ closet which I paid him.
Mr Abbatt (a retired Quaker tradesman) a very respectable man who married Miss Enock sister of the late John Enock of Sibford Gower, died late last night or early this morning. He has been ill a long time with consumption of the throat.
Visited Elizabeth Payne and did not see her as her father and mother kept me talking rather too long and I thought another day would be more suitable.
Visited Elley about doing some copying of charity returns for me.