Stevens 1895-02-07

Text, letter

Received School Report from Education Department and took it up to Mr Langley at school. Parish Council sent in 4 cwt of coal for their own use. Visited Mr and Mrs Elley. Hillman of Slathouse, “Holly-Mount”, Mr Oddie’s tenant called. He wants my cottage and land. I recommended him to stay where he was, for he is not high rented.


Cuttings from Banbury Advertiser, 7 February 1895

Stevens—Leake—January 24, at All Saints’ Church, Kensington Park, W., by the Rev. G. Lovelace (priest-in-charge of St. Columb’s), assisted by Rev. A. Leake, Rev. F. Morgan (cousins of the bride and bridegroom respectively), Rev. Canon Trench (vicar of the parish), and Rev. H. Newton, the Rev. Harry E. Stevens, B.A., of All Saints’ and St. Columb’s, Notting Hill, elder son of the Rev. E. T. Stevens, vicar of Sibford Gower, to Adelaide Mabel, younger daughter of William A. Leake, Esq., Shelton House, Cambridge Gardens.


LOCAL SUCCESS.—Mr. H. T. Dixon, of this village, won first prize and very highly commended with “Cuckoo Dorkings” at the late Liverpool show.


On the 24th ult., at All Saints’ Church, Kensington Park, W., was solemnized the marriage of the Rev. Harry E. Stevens, B.A., elder son of the much respected Vicar of this parish, and one of the curates of All Saints, and of St. Columb’s, Notting Hill, with Adelaide Mabel, younger daughter of William A. Leake, Esq., of Shelton House, Cambridge Gardens. The ceremony was fixed for a quarter past two o’clock, but long before that hour the church was filled with guests, friends and parishioners. Amongst the latter were to be seen members of the St. Columb’s Mothers Guild Meeting and Women’s Guild, as well as many Sunday school teachers with whom the charming bride had worked for several years. Shortly before the time appointed, the west doors were thrown open, and in a few minutes the bride appeared, leaning on the arm of her father. At this moment she was met by the clergy who were to officiate, and by the choristers of St. Columb’s, who preceeded her up the aisle, headed by the processional cross, and singing the beautiful hymn “How welcome was the call.” The marriage was performed by the Rev. George Lovelace, Priest-in-charge of Saint Columb’s (who also gave a short and earnest address), assisted by the Rev. Aubrey Leake and the Rev. Frank Morgan, cousins of the bride and bridegroom respectively, and by the Rev. Canon Trench, vicar of the parish, and the Rev. Herbert Newton. On proceeding to the altar the exquisite hymn “O, perfect love,” was sung kneeling, followed after the address by the hymn “Thine for ever.” During the signing of the register selections were exquisitely rendered on the organ by Mr. A. Birch, Mus. Bac., and a friend of the bridegroom. As the bridal procession once more passed down the church, flowers were strewn by many loving hands, and the beautiful wedding march peeled forth from the organ. On arriving at the west door the white-robed choristers divided and allowed the happy bride and her radiant groom to pass through their ranks to their carriage. Here more flowers and rice were thrown with an unerring aim, and which notwithstanding the efforts of the bridegroom could not be escaped. It is worthy of mention that though throughout the morning a storm of wind and rain prevailed, about one o’clock the sun broke through the clouds, the rain ceased, and a glorious afternoon ensued—pointing, we may hope, to a life of happiness and joy. The bridegroom was supported, as best man, by his only brother, Mr. Frank Stevens, and the bridesmaids were the Misses Queenie, Ada, and Edith Leake, sisters of the bride. Their dresses were olive green, relieved with yellow silk, and they wore long moire sashes and large picture hats, with yellow plumes and diamond buckles. Each bridesmaid carried an exquisite shower bouquet of yellow flowers, most artistically arranged, and a gold heart pendant, the gift of the bridegroom. The lovely bride wore a charming gown of ivory-corded silk, trimmed with Honiton lace, together with a beautiful veil of old Limerick lace, with a long train to match the dress, trimmed and turned back with orange blossoms. Her beautiful shower bouquet was of the choicest white flowers, among which the lily of the valley was conspicuous. Her travelling costume was a brown tailor-made gown with hat to match, trimmed with sable.

A reception was held by Mrs. Leake, the bride’s mother, at Shelton House, and was attended by many relatives and friends.

The happy pair left at five o’clock for St. Leonard’s to spend the honeymoon, and a crowd of friends and parishioners assembled to see them start, and to wish them every happiness in their wedded life, and to join in the melèe of rice and slippers which ensued.

The presents, which amounted to over one hundred, were useful and costly, and included handsome gifts from the choristers of St. Columb’s Church, the Sunday School teachers, the members of the Mothers’ Meeting and Women’s Guild, and the parishioners and churchwardens of Sibford.