Stevens 1895-01-22
Frank went to Banbury in Mrs Ainge’s wagonette en route for Chislehurst where I suppose he will stay till Easter.
Lewis Poulton called and paid me £2 for Major Goddard’s subscription to charities in parish. I paid him 10/- subscription to Sibford Benefit Club. I could not find his account against me, about £1.11 including 5/- charged for some 6 or 8 hurdles which I had borrowed for marshy spot in orchard. As I did not want to keep them I offered to pay him 2/6 for their use, but he wished me to cross out the charge altogether. He spoke of Jesse Bishop’s bad behaviour to Mr Woolgrove and said he thought it would be a good thing to let him see the Trustees if they were willing and it would be found that he really had no ground of complaint against any of us.
Annie Inns brought an electro plated Entree dish as a wedding present to Harry from the Church Wardens and parishioners. The collection was started by Miss S Dix. Quakers (Mr Oddie and others) subscribed as well as Church people. The dish cost 50/- and there is a balance in hand towards a second present. Harry is delighted. Mr and Mrs Riddle called this afternoon. Mr R kindly volunteered to take my service next Sunday afternoon if I were not well enough to do it.