Stevens 1894-12-28
Innocents’ Day. Divine service at 11 am. Rather high and intensely cold wind. Buried Mary Hone aged 82 who died in Banbury Union Workhouse. The head porter who came with the hearse brought me the usual certificate signed by James Bonner, but made out for Sarah instead of Mary Hone. I gave it back to him asking him to point out the mistake and request Bonner to send me a correct certificate, which he promised to do. The name was correctly entered in the receipt for Clerk’s disbursements which Charles had to sign. The porter turned out to be a man named Nichols ? who, about 18 years ago entered my service from Mollington with good recommendation from Mr Bollington, a farmer, and one of the Guardians. But the lad got “home-sick” the second day. I found him standing in tears over the carriage instead of cleaning it, and of course dispensed with his services. The funeral was ¼ hour late and I was on the point of returning home. The porter told me he had been misdirected and got to Sibford Ferris, whence, of course he had to return.
Bird, of the Heath farm, sent a postcard saying that the high wind had taken some slates off the roof. I ordered Green, the mason, to look at it and give me an estimate for the necessary repairs.