Stevens 1894-12-12

Text, letter

Bright day and mild. Visited Mary Sabin, Mark Barnes and his daughter Matilda. She has been “home” a week, but returns to her situation as Cook at Bromley tomorrow. Visited also Widow Reason, ?Mr A? and S Goffe. Bell called at R H Lamb’s for me to enquire how Mrs Lamb was and learnt that she was better. William Haynes of the Oxfordshire Regiment is at home on furlough out before sailing for India. We met, and spoke to him. Visited also Widow Robinson. Her daughter Mary is better and remaining in her situation at Kidlington?

Divine service at 7 pm. The Doctor was there. About 60 persons present. William Lamb called at 10 pm to ask for use of School room for first Parochial Council meeting on Monday evening next at 6.30. I said they were quite welcome to have the use of the room. He promised to let Mr Langley know. My voice was very husky in Church this evening. Mr Langley read the Lessons for me. Drove Bell round Sibford Ferris and “Pig & Whistle” this morning.