Stevens 1894-11-01
All Saints Day. Mild. Fine till 10 am then mostly rain. I visited Mr and Mrs Ainge, Mrs Turner, who has just lost her sister, Mrs Hunter, and I called on Jane Messenger.
Cuttings from Banbury Advertiser, 1 November 1894
PARISH COUNCILS.—Mr. W. L. Whitehorn, of Banbury, attended the mission room on Oct. 23rd, and gave an interesting explanation of the provisions of the Parish Councils Act. The meeting would have been largely attended had any notice been issued. However a goodly number were present, expecting it to be non-political. At the commencement exception was taken to the presence of a few Conservatives. A passage of arms followed as to whom the meeting was intended for. This was settled by the convener of the meeting (an over-enthusiastic Radical) handing to the Chairman a letter to read, which he had received from Mr. Whitehorn, and which stated that no notice of the meeting was to be issued, but invitations were to be given only to Liberal friends. It is much to be regretted that party politics are to be introduced and it seems very much at variance with Mr. Whitehorn’s remarks at other villages. Mr. Joseph Alcock, a labouring man, was chairman.—Communicated.
PARISH COUNCILS.—By kind permission of Mr. R. B. Oddie of the Friends School, a meeting was held in the Gymnasium on Monday evening week to consider what action should be taken in reference to the coming parish election. Dr. Routh occupied the chair, supported by Mr. G. H. Hall, C.C., Mr. R. H. Lamb, &c. This village and Sibford Gower are ecclesiastically one parish, but is distinct parochially. The population being under 300, it is not entitled to a Council. After discussion, a show of hands was taken as to whether any efforts should be made to unite with Sibford Gower, which is entitled to a Council. This met with only one supporter, the general opinion being that a parish meeting would be better for the village. A hope was expressed that politics would not be introduced. Mr. J. Pettipher, the Guardian of the parish, was present.
THE ALLEGED FALSE PRETENCES AGAINST A CLERGYMAN.—Henry George Le Moine, clerk in holy orders, was charged at Leicester on Monday with obtaining 64s. by fraudulently pawning a tricycle which was included in a bill of sale. The defendant, who had spent a week in gaol owing to his inability to find bail, appeared to feel his position acutely. As the money had been repaid to the pawnbroker, the prosecution, by consent, was withdrawn and the accused discharged.