Stevens 1894-06-28
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Very summery. Harriet Sabin called about her daughter Sarah who refused to go to Banbury. I advised that she should hire a horse and cart and say she must go. So she took her to the workhouse and she was admitted as an urgent case without an order. Bell and I went to see the mother on her return. Mrs Abbott went to Banbury with them.
I drove Bell and Rosa, and Kitty Rogers and Miss Sottick walked to Bloxham, and took tea with Mrs Kershaw.
Cuttings from Banbury Advertiser of 28 June 1894
Sir.—In reply to a letter which appears in your last issue signed “Pro Bono Publico,” allow me to express my deep sorrow that any who profess to have the public good at heart should raise the slightest objection to the young men of the village having a room placed at their disposal for conversational purposes, or reading books that will improve the mind. Does our “Pro Bono Publico” friend wish to drive the young men into the public houses ? If he would use his undoubted influence enclosing them on the Lord’s Day we would then believe he had a right to the name he gives himself at the bottom of his letter, for they are undoubtedly “contra bonos mores.” I heartily endorse the sentiments of your fourth correspondent on this subject, and there is no reason to doubt that the whole village of Sibford Ferris is in sympathy with Mr Dixon’s liberality in opening the room free of charge, so that it can truly be said that he has the gratitude of a thankful village.
I am, Sir, yours truly,
Sir.—In reply to your correspondent of the 21st inst., I must say he cannot be acquainted with the views of the inhabitants of Sibford Ferris, or he would not say they are unthankful for Mr Dixon’s kindness in throwing the Reading Room open on Sundays. We should like to know in what way it is against our good morals ? I think your correspondent ought to prove or withdraw his Latin expression. Perhaps “Pro Bono Publico” does not know on what rules the Reading Room is opened. I cannot see why it should be closed during service if by that he means Church service, for Nonconformists who have no place of worship in the village will not be driven to church ; if P.B.P. is desirous to try his powers of preaching, I dare say Mr Dixon will not object to us receiving religious instruction during “service hours.” Thanking you for your valuable space,
I remain, yours truly,
Hill House, Sibford Ferris, Banbury.
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28 Jun 1894