Stevens 1894-06-12
Received letter from Bentley & Son, publishers, declining my MS “Stories and Sketches from a Vicar’s diary”, after keeping it for a month and asking where they should send it.
Joshua Lamb called for Loggin poor rates for February and May which I paid by Loggin Cheque.
Homo, nomine Bates, Bailiffa Aulac Comitatis de Banburio, venit hoc mane portans summonitionem ascriptam ad H.E.S. ut appararet XXX Junii et solveret summam £1. 5s. plus 2/- pro summonitione Cheney et filiis impressariis de Banburio. Mater ejus eam ad eum misit. Ego Cheney scripsi.
A man named Bates, Bailiff of the Court of Banbury, came this morning bearing a summons registered to H.E.S. [Harry Stevens, the Vicar’s older son] to prepare for the 30th of June and to pay the sum of £1. 5s. plus 2/- for summons from Cheney & sons, printers of Banbury. His mother sent it to him. I wrote to Cheney.
I drove Bell and Rosa to Brailes this afternoon. We took tea with Sophie and Maud Smith and their sister Susie (Mrs Given). The mare went beautifully, both there and back.
There is a great strike of Cabmen in London for lower charges to be paid to the masters. London was much quieter than usual on Tuesday and Saturday last and there was scarcely a cab to be seen.