Stevens 1880-10-04
Mr. Turner told me that Henry Tarver who married the Swalcliffe girl had taken the cottage in which Charles Hands died. They have white-washed it themselves and papered the lower room so as to make the place quite tidy. She had some chairs down by Stratford left by an aunt (?) and as the carriers would have charged five shillings to bring them she borrowed a hand truck and fetched them herself. Stratford is 18 miles from here – a very good road but hilly till Brailes is passed. I met her with her baby a day or two ago and spoke to her. The baby looked very jolly and well dressed. I asked her how she was getting on and said I should come and see her when she gets into her new house. “Oh, that will be kind of you, Sir” replied she – “I shall be so glad”.