Stevens 1894-07-28

Text, letter

Mrs Leake sent a note asking whether I could make it convenient to call on her this Evening about 6 – 8. I replied verbally that I would call at about 8. Just as I was about to start, Mr Langley called and told me that charges of the very grossest immorality had been brought against Nelsie Golder, viz of instructing little boys sublevare vestes puellarum et qui mode connectionem habere; dixit eam accusatam fuisse a domino Leak et uxore sua dicendi verba talia suo puerulo. I went to Leak’s and to Arthur Haynes’s. Two charges are made against her by little boys and girls to their mothers. They are all too young I think to invent the charges, about 5 or 6 at outside. The children alluded to are Rudolph Leak, Polly Webb, Alice Haynes. It was charged against her that she had shut Leak in the cupboard in classroom with Alice Haynes and John Lamb with Polly Webb. I went to John Webb’s and Mr Langley’s but they had all gone to bed.

[…of instructing little boys] to lift the girls’ clothes and in some way join together. He said that she had been accused by Mr. Leak and his wife of saying such words to their little boy.