Stevens 1879-08-15

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Harry Shelswell came to me this morning with his work. I lent him Henry’s First Latin Book to work the exercises.

Visited Mrs Pearce whom I found much weaker than yesterday.

Visited Sally Green and the School. Spoke to Boy Robinson privately about his bad conduct yesterday. He said a girl named Hillman, who he said had gone to a “Conformity” and who does not belong to Sibford but came to visit her grandmother David Hone’s wife a few months ago, taught him “quomodo id facere” – other children looking on. He said his mother beat him naked last night after Mrs. Dale went and complained to her. I spoke in School very strongly about boys being rude to girls, and about girls tolerating such conduct.

I learnt that Miss Somerton had collected from old scholars of Miss Bates who keeps a small private school at Swalcliffe the sum of £50 which she was gone to present to her this afternoon.

“quomodo id facere” – how to do it