1885, December 21, Monday
I have advertized again in the “Times” with the view of getting a more suitable and more remunerative post than this. To my previous advertisement for the same purpose which I repeated 5 times at 8/- for each insertion I received no reply whatsoever; only some applications from the proprietors of other papers to be permitted to insert it in theirs. This appeared today, 1st of 5 insertions twice weekly.
TO ECCLESIASTICAL PATRONS, &c,—An experienced and successful VICAR desires another sphere of duty, with fair remuneration and suitable residence, which he has not now, or the opportunity of purchasing or renting one. He is a sound Churchman, M. A. Oxon, married, strong, robust, and active ; a good reader and can preach extempore. Accustomed to manage charity lands and allotments. Good references. Apply, by letter only, X. Y. Z., 4, Clephane road, N.
Drove to Banbury. Took Frank and Lloyd Davies. Rosa did not come down today…
The bottom of the page has been torn off, and the next leaf torn out altogether.