Diary of Rev Edward Stevens

1885, January 9, Friday 

Fine, calm, bright, frost.

Visited School, Susan Hunt, Widow W. Keen, Anna Aris, Misses Dix, Joseph Dale, William Holland, Thomas Aris, George Payne.

Gave faggots of Larch to various persons.

Visited Brass Band who played “Sun of my soul” and “The Old 100th”.

Received a letter from Mrs Aris saying her son or his father would like to have part of the Heath Farm.

1885, January 10, Saturday

Visited wife of George Harris, my tenant, who is very ill.

Called on Dr Routh – not in. Zilpah Rymell’s baby died.

1885, January 11, Sunday

Taught in Boys’ School – many absent.

Congregations small – very much coughing.

Baptized David Hone’s child and churched the mother.

1885, January 12, Monday

Bright day – hard frost.

Wrote to Aunt Emma.

Mrs George Harris died at 4 am.

Buried William Brown. The funeral was 25 minutes late. Poulton who was the undertaker said it was the fault of the women – who on his telling them it was time to start said there was no hurry. I told him that as undertaker he must use his best endeavours to secure punctuality by telling persons in future that they must not expect me to wait at the Church after the time appointed as it was very cold up there – and I had other duties to attend to.

Edward Fox
George Harris, my tenant
Joseph Messenger
Ann Fox, W. Poulton.

Dr Routh came this evening to audit School and Charity accounts. Routh told story of his groom – a Tysoe man – very stupid. To Charlotte Webb, female servant

“Some oats be coom, when they be done, th’master ‘ll want to know when they com’d in. What day be’t Charlut?”

“Why, you silly, don’t you know it’s new year’s day?”

“Ay, I know that’s well as you do. What I wants to know is what day o’th month is it.”

1885, January 13, Tuesday 

William Golder, late Labourer and Agricultural Labourers’ Union agitator – now carrier – called to pay me his allotment rent. I spoke to him about his two children being unbaptized. He has some anti paedobaptist views – but laid the greatest stress on the fact that he did not know anyone who led such a Christian life as to justify him in asking them to become Sponsors.

He himself has ceased to attend either Church or Chapel because he finds so many who do attend are so very much behind their religious professions. He was very polite, but very foolish. I said what I thought right at the time, and added something about the claims of the Church as against Dissent. He said he valued the Clergyman very highly that the Clergy of the Church of England were a “pillar of learning” in every parish in the land.

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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.