1883, February 16, Friday
…This evening Vere was very much the worse for drink. I remonstrated with him very severely and told him he must leave my house tomorrow.
…This evening Vere was very much the worse for drink. I remonstrated with him very severely and told him he must leave my house tomorrow.
Mr. Vere apologised for his bad conduct this morning and seemed really sorry. I spoke very seriously to him about his intemperate habits, and offered to sign the “total abstinence pledge” for 6 months if he would do so, but he thought he could not do that. However, he signed the appended promise.
February 17. 1883
I promise solemnly not to sit in a public house in future, nor on any occasion to take more than a pint of ale for refreshment during an afternoon or evening and as a rule not to take any intoxicating drink except at meals. God being my helper.
Vere Jones Vere
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Read about the Rev Edward Stevens here.