Sibford Scene Archive

Sibford Scene 103 February 1987

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A link with the past

Anne Marcovitch has a perceptive Uncle to whom we are grateful – via Anne – for the following extract. Unfortunately Uncle’s perception is not matched by his memory~ He has forgotten from which book the extract was taken!

ACT OF SETTLEMENT OF 1662 the basic provision of which was that the Community (rural) must appoint overseers of the poor whose task it was to collect a rate from the occupiers of property within their area and use the money to give necessary relief to those deserving.

The following extract from the overseers account book for SIBFORD GOWER, Oxfordshire in October 1774 gives an idea of the kind of aid bestowed:-

  £:  s:  d.    
Paid Ann Kings House room 9   0    
To Ann Kings since 2nd May various dates 1  19   0    
Bought for do a Kettle and cup 4   3    
Nursing do 6 weeks and washing 3   6    
Susannah Treadwell & Ann Kings Chimney pole, fire rack & links 1   9    
Fuel for do 6   8    
Wm. Young’s lodging and washing 4   2    
2 new shirts and making and other mended for Wm. Young 8   3    
Jane Bevins, a pettycoat and mending 2   7½
Gave Do being out of place 6    


However, under the terms of the 1662 Act each pauper could only obtain help from the parish in which he or she could claim a settlement.

Above, you may see one or two items of historical interest from this edition. To see the whole edition, click on the front-page image to download it as a pdf.