Financial Documents

Each year Local Authorities are required to prepare and submit an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) to report on their financial & governance conduct for the previous financial year.

Please see below Sibford Ferris Parish Council financial documents including the AGAR documents.


Approved 2425 Budget


Approved Budget 2023-24

SFPC Transaction List 2324

SFPC Asset Register as at 31.03.24

SFPC Certificate of Exemption 2324

SFPC AGAR Sections 1&2 2324

SFPC Notice of Public Rights 2324

End of Year Reconciliation 2324

End of Year Explanations of Variances 2324


Approved Budget for 2022-23

SFPC Transactions List 2022-23

Asset Register to 31.03.2023

SFPC Exempt-Authority-Notice-of-Public-Rights

End of Year Reconciliation 2223

End of Year Explanations of Variances 2223

SFPC AGAR Sections 1,2 and AIAR

SFPC Certificate of Exemption 2022-23


SFPC Approved Budget 2122

Cert of Exemption 2122

Gov Stmts and Acct Stmts 2122

Notice of Public Rights 2122

End of Year Explanations of Variances 2122

Internal Audit 2122

Payments 2122


SFPC Budget 2021

SFPC Internal Audit 2021 sig redacted

SFPC Gov Stmt and Acct Stmts 2021 sig redacted

SFPC Cert of Exemption 2021 sig redacted

End of Year Explanations of Variances 2021

Asset Register at end of 2021 for Audit

End of Year Reconciliation 2021 Overview End of year reconciliation 2021

SFPC 2021 Notice-of-Public-Rights-Exempt-Authorities


SFPC End of year explanations of variances 1920

SFPC Year end reconciliation 1920

Asset register at end of 1920

Signed Accounting stmts 1920

SFPC signed Annual Gov Stmt 1920

SFPC signed Cert of Exemption2

SFPC Internal audit 1920

SFPC Notice of Public Rights 1920

SFPC Receipts and Payments 1920


Ferris PC 2019 Accounts for website





