Christmas Tree Festival

Churchwarden Barbara Foster writes: Following the popular Christmas Tree Festival for past three years which brought together village organisations, we invite your group to help villagers celebrate Christmas by decorating a tree.
Trees will be displayed in church from Saturday 7th December to Monday 6th January for all to enjoy during the Festive season.
We are suggesting a theme of a Christmas Wonderland this year but don’t let this deter you, you can just continue as before by decorating your tree to demonstrate your group or organisation.
The tree can be artificial or fresh but no taller than 3ft, ideally decorated to reflect your organisation.
Please bring your tree to church Friday 6th December between 2pm and 4pm or Saturday 7th before 10.30 am. together with an A5 card stating your group name and contact number.
If you wish to have lights on your tree you will need battery operated lights as there are no power points in the church.
Please let me know if you are intending to take part in this event, so that a place can be allocated to you: 07773 404 088 or church