Stevens 1879-06-12

A close up of text on a white background

Very wet.

From Banbury Guardian June 12, 1879.

H. Norris Esq. was, as a Trustee of the Sibford Charities, present (in the chair) when Inns and Bishop appeared before the Trustees a short time back.




(Before Colonel North, M.P., H. Norris, Esq., A. R. Tawney, Esq., A. T. C. Cartwright, Esq., J. E. T. Loveday, Esq., and T. E. Cobb, Esq.)

THE EDUCATION ACT.—Frederick Inns, Sibford, was summoned for neglecting to send his child to school. The defendant admitted that he had not sent his child I to school since January or February twelve months simply because the managers of the school would not allow her to attend. He supposed they were the managers. The feoffees of a certain charity in Sibford had constituted themselves the managers.

Mr. Tawney—Why don’t you send her to school? Defendant said it was no use sending her to school, if they send her back. The defendant said the managers charged three different prices, and when he was before the Attendance Committee, Mr. Aubrey Cartwright said it was illegal. The managers wanted to charge him threepence. He was a journeyman tradesman. They could not charge him threepence because it was laid down in the charity scheme that the fees were to be one penny per child, and they had given no notice of the alteration of the fees. Mr. Tawney told defendant he must have misunderstood what was said at the Attendance Committee. The defendant maintained that he had not done so. If the Bench made an order for the schoolmaster to take his child, he should be very pleased. The Bench made an order for the attendance of the child. Defendant said he would pay the fees if they were legal. Henry Bishop, Sibford, was similarly charged. Defendant said he would send the child if they would take a penny per week. He was a “common journeyman farmer,” and they wanted him to pay threepence a week. He asked if it was legal to make an alteration of the fees without notice. Mr. Tawney said he must consult his solicitor. An order was made for the attendance of the child.



CLUB.—The anniversary of the Sibford Club was on Whit-Monday. The members met at the School at nine o’clock, to transact the business, and marched in procession to the church, where an excellent sermon was preached by the Vicar of Christ Church, Banbury, after which the members sat down to a capital dinner provided by the stewards. The funds of the society stand very well after a heavy year of sickness. The receipts during the year amounted to the sum of £88 18s., and the expenses to £99 7s. Though paying so heavy an amount for sickness, the funds of the society now stand at 12s. 3d. more than they did at this time last year, so that the society must be considered to be in a very good condition. The club now contains 125 members and has a capital of a little over £370, and there is not a member in the society who does not either live at or belong to the parishes of Sibford and Swalcliffe.