(February 1995) Sibford Ferris Parish Council
Your Council has been particularly busy since we last reported in the Scene. Those outrageous white posts in the Main Street resulted in a number of Parishioners turning out for the Parish Council meeting at the end of November. The Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Department and the Highways requesting their removal and several parishioners agreed to write too. I am delighted to say that this lobbying paid off and the posts are to be removed. It’s great to know that local democracy does work! Thank you to those people who wrote.
We have been offered a £500 grant to celebrate the Centenary of Parish Councils and have to apply by March to get this money. Suggestions so far have been to provide a seat at the bus stop and a glass cover for the notice board. We would be very grateful for any other suggestions – they must be in by our next meeting on 7 March; We would like to purchase something of real benefit to the Parish, so please give us your ideas.
We have been asked to find a transport representative in the Parish. This is someone who appreciates the importance of public transport in rural areas and who would act as a liaison person between the transport services and local people. The Clerk has a leaflet about this and would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be interested in taking this on. It is a vital task and hopefully someone will come forward. Obviously if we could find someone who uses public transport regularly it would be best, but it is important to have someone to represent our views so any suggestions would be welcomed.
Oxfordshire County Council are also seeking members of the public to join the inspection teams for elderly persons homes in the area. You do not need any special training or experience for this task and again anyone who is interest is asked to contact the Clerk who will put them in touch with the relevant person. This could well be an interesting job and I do know that we have many people in the Parish who are concerned with care offered to elderly persons.
I am about to put in the order for bus tokens for elderly and disabled people once again. I am assuming that all the people who had them last year will want them again, but if there is anyone who did not receive them last year and who would like some, would they please contact me as soon as possible so that I can include them in the estimate. These will be distributed at the end of March ready for the new Financial Year in April but we do need to order them now.
The Clerk has the usual interesting selection of information which has arrived through the post. This includes What’s on – the Arts in North Oxfordshire, the Cherwell Link, the Oxfordshire County Council Newsletter, Environment Action and the Newsletter from the Carers Centre. If you are interested in any of these please contact the Clerk.
Finally the members of the Parish Council were pleased to be invited to the Centenary service and celebrations at Sibford Gower which they found a memorable occasion. They would like to express their thanks to the Chairman, Clerk and Parishioners of Sibford Gower for including them and to wish you all well for the next 100 years!
Judith Weeks, Clerk