Old photos – Sibford Gower

1/15 Holy Trinity Church from Mannings Hill

1/17 Sibford Gower pond, c1900

1/18 This part of the village known on official letter as the village green. White fronted house was altered to the second Post Office in 1950-60. Postmistress Mabel Payne from 1960.

1/19 Sibford Gower pond

1/20 The old vicarage, 1918. The wooden rails were removed between 1940 and 1950.

1/21 1870s. Note the gate. It was always kept closed until about 1950. It led to private property. No footpath.

1/22 Bonds End Lane, looking west, pre-1907. The steps in Main Street were removed c1950. Gale in March 1947 ripped off the thatch [house on left?] and the roof was eventually replaced

3/9 (1/23) Sibford Gower Bonds End Lane 3. Bottom cottage was a small school (Miss Shemelds)

1/24 Postcard of Bonds End Lane, 1937. Message on back reads: Homeleigh, Sibford Gower, 13.7.37. I thought you would like to see where I am. It is a queer little lane but quite quiet. I have marked my bedroom and sitting room [on the house at extreme left]. They look over a garden and away to the hills. The land here is very rich, so unlike ours. The flowers and fruit are wonderful. Last night I called to see Mrs Dell, Eleanor’s mother. She is a very nice old lady. She is coming to tea with me tomorrow. I hope all is well with you. Love, Louie.

1/25 Sibford Gower

1/26 Glebe Farm

3/1 (1/27) Sibford Gower crossroads 1

1/28 Sibford Gower Main Street

1/38 Mr Frank Lascelles 13th century house destroyed by fire in 1929. Carter’s Yard caught fire from a spark from a steam wagon, bringing bricks for the building of the Hill at the Friends School. Name of house was then “Atte ye Crosse”.

1/42 The old village hall, Sibford Gower

1/43 Sibford village hall, built just after the First World War from ex-army huts. Demolished in 1945.

1/44 Sibford village hall

1/45 Prospect Villa, Sibford Gower. Later named Innisfree, then Leasowe

1/46 Innisfree, Sibford Gower

1/47 Norton House (now Temple Close). Footpath was by the wall in the foreground.

Dovecote at Yew Tree House, Sibford Gower, looking NW

1/52 The dovecote at Yew Tree House, Sibford Gower (west wall)

1/50 Detail from plaque on south wall of the dovecote at Yew Tree House, Sibford Gower. The inscription is no longer legible, but it was recorded by M. Dix in 1937 as “Aspicis ut veniant et candida tecta columbae, accipiat nullas sordida turris ave. J.H. 1728”. It translates as “You see how the doves come to a white dwelling, how an unclean tower harbours no birds.” and comes from Ovid Tristia 1.9.1. “J.H.” is Joseph Hopkyns.

1/58 The Post Office, Sibford Gower. Mr Mannings is by the rails with Mr Inns

1/57 [Detail from 1/58]

1/69 Tyne Hill Sibford pre-1916

1/129 Bonds End Lane, looking west. The steps in Main Street were removed c1950.

1/131 Sibford Gower, Elmridge

Sibford Gower crossroads

1/162 Sibford Gower crossroads (detail from 1/163)

1/163 Sibford Gower crossroads

Holy Trinity Church

Sibford Gower looking north up Colony Road

Lane Head, Sibford Gower