Old photos – Sibford Ferris

Sibford School, Main Street, Sibford Ferris

1/48 Holly House, Sibford, Ferris

1/65 Looking from the Elm towards Banbury 1916

1/66 Looking down Mannings Hill

1/90 “The Home Premises” Ancestral home of Lamb family. Copy of painting done in 1856. The children on the doorstep are Joseph and Sarah Lamb and the man on horseback is the butcher’s messenger.

1/92 Sibford Ferris, Mannings Hill

1/120 Sibford Ferris, Mannings Hill. The cottages on the right were demolished c1914

1/123 Sibford Ferris. Showing Sibford School (in centre).

1/124 Ferris Main Street looking west. Shed on left now gone. Heaps of stone for road repairs where telephone box used to stand. Building with tall chimney now demolished.

1/126 View from outside Malvern House c1918

1/128 Laying water mains in Ferris c1935. Tom Harris senior, Tom Barnes and Walter Holmes.

1/130 Postcard sent from Sibford Ferris Post Office, July 1939. Message on back reads: I am sorry about yor tooth – ask Matron to make an appointment with Mr Cohen for you. We are having awful weather. Grannie came on Friday. We shall come over and see you. All send their love, Mummy.

1/132 Main Street, Sibford Ferris

1/136 Taken from Holly Tree Close. The two cottages to left of Maria’s House now demolished

1/153 Main Street Sibford Ferris, c1874

1/154 Lanes End, Sibford Ferris

1/156 Lanes End, Sibford Ferris, 25 April 1908

1/159 – 1842 Painting of The Manor, Main Street, Sibford Ferris, before the addition of the buildings towards Lanes End

1/160 Sibford Ferris Main Street and The Manor pre 1904

Sibford Ferris from across the valley
7 Aug 2023