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The Sibfords

Tuesday 21 November

Met Office forecast for Sibford at 5:00am

6am: 8° Overcast
9am: 7° Fog
12pm: 8° Overcast

3pm: 8° Cloudy
6pm: 7° Partly cloudy
9pm: 6° Cloudy

Minimum tonight: 5°

Summary for SE England: Cloudy with patchy rain. Brighter afternoon, but some coastal showers.

today: Green & silver bin collection

7.00am, Sibfords & Burdrop

What can I put in what bin? Cherwell DC provide information on their website.

What to do with your old mattress, paint, or any other household item? Use Oxfordshire County Council's waste wizard.

today: Sibford Ferris Parish Council meeting

7.00pm, Sibford School

SFPC Agenda 21.11.23

Draft Budget 2024-25


6am: 5° Cloudy
9am: 6° Cloudy
12pm: 9° Cloudy

3pm: 9° Overcast
6pm: 9° Overcast
9pm: 9° Overcast

tomorrow: Morning Prayer

9.00am, Holy Trinity Church

tomorrow: Sibford Lunch Club

12.00pm, Village Hall
A close up of a sign

tomorrow: Sibford young performers

5.30pm, Village Hall

tomorrow: Bridge Classes

7.00pm, Village Hall

Friday 24 November: Arts and Crafts at Stourton

10.00am, Jacques Barn, Stourton

Friday 24 November: Primary School Open Morning

10.00am, Primary School

Friday 24 November: Sibford School Christmas Fayre

3.00pm, Sibford School

Saturday 25 November: Arts and Crafts at Stourton

10.00am, Jacques Barn, Stourton

See above

Saturday 25 November: Christmas Fayre

2.00pm, Village Hall

Sunday 26 November: Arts and Crafts at Stourton

10.00am, Jacques Barn, Stourton

See above

Monday 27 November: Sibford Walkers

10.00am, Village Hall car park
A group of people walking down a dirt road

We leave the Village Hall car park on foot or by car at 10 am sharp to do a circuit of approximately 2 hours. You are advised, therefore, to get to the village hall by 9.55 am latest.

Dogs are welcome provided they are put on the lead when requested.  …read more

42 years ago: the Sibford Scene in November 1981

Sibford in the Great War: Mr R. Craig has come across an intriguing reference to Sibford in the book, "Death's Men — Soldiers of the Great War“ by Denis Winter. Writing of the drastic news starvation of the countryside, he says, "The village of Sibford received news twice weekly in …read more

137 years ago today: Reverend Stevens's diary for Sun 21 November 1886

Taught in Boys' School this morning.

Emma Lines brought a note from Louisa Lines asking me to visit Sarah ("Sally") Lines, her mother in law, which I did this evening. The old woman is very ill. She wanted me to witness her signature, or rather mark, to an order to withdraw her money from Banbury Savings Bank and to empower her daughter, Mrs Widdows, to receive it. The old woman when young had a very indifferent reputation and had several bastard children. She then "married" James Lines, her own nephew, who died a year or two ago from the kick of a horse belonging to Richard Lamb which he was driving when the worse for drink.

The old woman seemed very penitent this evening and very thankful to me for going to pray with her. She wished very much to receive the Holy Communion but was afraid I would refuse it to her. Barber Haynes's wife is nursing her.

Local picture of the day

An old photo of a man

1/163 Sibford Gower crossroads. See About the Sibfords » Pictures » Old photos » Old photos – Sibford Gower

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